
A Melanin Messiah?


Was Yeshua a dark-skinned person, a Melanin Messiah? Some reading this may be of Caucasian origin and therefore do not see the need to discuss this subject. In fact, this subject has brought controversy and division within the church. But as an African and a minister of the gospel I have found it disturbing that we brush this topic to one side because it may offend people. I have also heard it said the color of the messiah’s skin is of no significance to anyone. But when I see a preponderance of young men from the African diaspora being led...

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The Question Of Spirit Spouses


'Spirit Spouses' is a theological subject that I have recently studied. Due to my Ghanaian roots and interest in the area of Christian deliverance ministry, I decided to investigate this subject. The first time I heard of this subject I dismissed it entirely. The person who attempted to explain some related concepts did so without any sound theological grounds. However since writing the book Nephilim Apocalypse and seeing the explicit statements in the bible that the fallen Angels, known in the Hebrew tongue as the 'Bene Ha Elohim' had taken human females as wives because of their beauty. It also makes logical sense...

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Holy Ghost Baptism Vision

In my upcoming temporarily free eBook, I share the experience of a vision where people are being filled with the Holy Ghost. Excerpt From "Learning To Flow In The Holy Ghost" In one of my former schools, Ghana National College, they had a club for Christians called the Scripture Union. Once a week on a particular evening before our night studies, many Christians gathered in the lecture theatre to worship, pray and fellowship. I had several visions in my first few years of becoming a Christian. I would often use the following scripture in prayer, and the Lord would show...

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